The Holden Democratic Town Committee honors people and groups whose efforts have made Holden a better community. This is a 100% non partisan event. Think about the people who have done good things and let us know about them through a nomination. Charitable work, service on community boards and activities, helping out people in town, organizing town events, serving as elected or non elected positions in town, we want to hear about all the ways that people in Holden are helping to make this a great community. We love to hear about unsung hero’s in Holden!
We choose honorees during a process starting in January of every year, but it’s never too soon raise up the names of people you’d like to see honored. Send us an email with the name of the people or groups you’d like to nominate for the 2018 Good Neighbor Award along with the brief description of what they’ve done. We honor the recipients in March of every year at the Holden Senior Center. We’ll be in touch with you if we need more information.

Please send your nominations to